Information and society: The World Summit on the Information Society may be held in Sochi in 2015

6 June 2013

The Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media Denis Sverdlov delivered speech at the 16th session of the UN Committee on Science and Technology for Development, which was held on 4 June 2013 in Geneva. The Deputy Minister highlighted the achievements in the field of information society in Russia, which allowed the country to go up in international rankings of e-government readiness, published by the United Nations. Denis Sverdlov said that Russia ranked first in the world in terms of mobile penetration, that it is a leader in Europe in terms of the active Internet audience and it demonstrates the strong growth of Internet business.

He also voiced the readiness of the Russian Federation to hold in Sochi the Second World Summit on the Information Society 2015 (WSIS Summit).

Let us remind that first World Summit on the Information Society held in two phases, in accordance with UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 of 21 December 2001. The first phase took place in Geneva on 10-12 December 2003, the second - 16-18 November 2005 in Tunisia. As part of the Summit agenda is determined the relevant notification of UN member states on the development of the information society and all related aspects.

According to the plan of action adopted in Tunisia by 2015 it should be defined a new country, which will take the World Summit on the Information Society.