History of Russia: Photographs of citizens made in last hundred years presented in Moscow

28 July 2013

July 25, 2013 in Moscow on the facade of Provision warehouses, “hidden” for the month in scaffolding, appeared photographs of the citizens of different nationalities and backgrounds, selected from the collections of the Museum of Moscow which demonstrated the period from the beginning of the XX century to the present day.

The unusual history project is designed to show how to change character types of Moscow residents and the city over the past one hundred years.

The facade places the 32 large-scale photographs, clearly marked as to passing on the Garden Ring, and pedestrians on the opposite side of the Zubov Boulevard. Here you can see the vendors, hawkers of the Russian Empire, sportsmen on Red Square, the readers of “Soviet Russia” of the 60s, urban festivals of mid-century modern beauty, a musician, a builder, a student. Through each photo, especially the old one, there is a look of Moscow, a city that has changed dramatically.

Alina Saprykina, director of the Museum of Moscow, said: “The Museum of Moscow – a chief curator of the history of the capital. We have the unique artifacts that - coming soon - will be accessible to a wider audience. In the meantime, we have the opportunity to use some non-standard solutions, for example, to make part of the photographic archive at the facade of the building. “Moscow - the unity of the different” - this is our attempt to connect the past with the present, to compare the two eras. On the one hand, we show how people and the city have been changed over the last century, and this is the first project of its kind in the museum and on the other - we invite everyone to the Museum of Moscow to feel the history of our city”.