Regions of Russia: The Collections of the East-Siberian branch of the Russian Geographical Society will be shown in Irkutsk
An exhibition of the museum collection of the East Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society opens on July 26, 2013, in historical department of Irkutsk Regional Museum. The exhibition is timed to the "The part of Russian Geographical Society in the development and study of Eastern Russia. History and Contemporaneity" inter-regional RGS seminar in Irkutsk.
The exhibition features the collections completed by the scientists of East Siberian Division of RGO at the end of XIX - the first half of the XX century, about two hundred exhibits in sum. Among the exhibits are the collection of weapons, furniture, bone-made goods, and geological assortment. Two displays will present the books from late XIX - early XX century, published by the Russian Geographical Society.
East-Siberian branch of the Russian Geographical Society is the first public research institution in Siberia and the Far East, established in Irkutsk in 1851. Founded in 1920 on the basis of the museum of East-Siberian branch of RGS, Irkutsk Regional Museum preserves in its funds today, along with the collections, a large part of the institution’s library.