To the 1025th anniversary of the Christianization of Rus: Social events in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus

21 July 2013

The celebrations in commemoration of the 1025th anniversary of the Christianization of Rus will embrace three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus involving the hierarchs and representatives of all manorial Orthodox churches.

The celebrations will begin in Moscow on July 24, on the memorial day of Saint, an Equal To the Apostles Princess Olga. In the Cathedral of Christ the Savior the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and the heads of the manorial Orthodox Churches, who will arrive in the capital, will make the Divine Liturgy.

On July 26 the delegations will go to the celebrations in Kiev, then in Minsk.

In Red Square on July 25 on the occasion of the celebration will be a concert gathering domestic groups, as well as the artists from Belarus and Ukraine.

On July 28 at the Memorial Day of Christianization of Rus - Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir - a solemn worships and prayer services will take place in all the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church around the world. A distinct chime that will last 15 minutes will unify thousands of Orthodox churches.