The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The holdings of the Presidential Library Russia – China: on the path to co-operation have been enriched with materials provided by the Russian State Library, Archives of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, the State Public Historical Library, the Library of the Moscow Theological Academy, the N. N. Muravyov Amur Regional Scientific Library.
New acquisitions include documents that introduce the socio-economic, administrative and demographic development of China as a whole and of its individual areas and cities, as well as various aspects of the relations between Russia and China for centuries.About China
The statistical information about China, reported by the Imperial Academy of Sciences by corresponding member of her monk Iakinf (St. Petersburg, 1837) provides detailed information on the geographical location, boundaries, administrative structure and population of China. In addition, a list of books, translated from Chinese into Russian is presented.
About the Chinese language and writing, educational institutions in China, public and private life of the Chinese criminal law, clothing, food, traditions and festivals is told in another book by a prominent Russian Sinologist Iakinf (N. Y. Bichurin) China, its people, customs, habits, education (St. Petersburg, 1840).
The book by the same author A look at education in China (St. Petersburg, 1838) is a reflection on the dissemination of knowledge and culture in China.
Information about the economic and administrative structure of northern Manchuria, its mining and manufacturing industries, trade, monetary, and the work of Chinese Eastern Railway, its stations and rates are contained in the publication of Northern Manchuria and the Chinese Eastern Railway (Harbin, 1922).
A historical overview of the Chinese Eastern Railway. 1896-1923 years. T. 1. (Harbin, 1923) presents the goal of this important transport artery, presents the preliminary reconnaissance area illuminated by the progress of construction works, as well as the importance and role of the CER during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 and in other historical periods.
About Russian-Chinese relations
Prehistory of Russian-Chinese relations and their development from 1654 to 1805 is reflected in publication of B. G. Kurtz Russian-Chinese relations in the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries (Kharkov, 1929).
The book by M. I. Venyukov Old and new agreements of Russia and China (St. Petersburg, 1863) describes the history of diplomatic relations between the two countries, as presented at the time of the current edition of the contractual provisions (on the delimitation of empires, the mutual relations of the two governments and peoples, border relations, the device of the spiritual and political missions, communications and trade).
The eventful period of bilateral relations of 1859-60s culminating with the signing of 2 (14) November 1860 of a peace treaty between Russia and the Qing Empire, is reflected in a book by O. Buxhowden Russian China: Essays of Russian diplomatic relations with China. [P.] 1: Beijing Treaty: 1860 (Port Arthur, 1902).
In the Agreements between Russia and China on the conduction and correction of borders and border affairs: (Supplement to the acts, printed in editions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “The collection of existing treatises, conventions and agreements concluded by Russia with other countries”, Volume III 1891 and v. IV 1896 and “Collection of Russian contracts with China” 1889). [Petrograd, 1914] contains the contract for the period from 1860 to 1899.
The preparation of new materials continues.