To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: The exhibition “The Romanovs. From Tsarskoye Selo – to Cincinnati” in Tsarkoye Selo
July 17, 2013 in the Zubovsky wing of the Catherine Palace (Tsarskoye Selo State Museum Reserve) is opening the exhibition “The Romanovs. From Tsarskoye Selo – to Cincinnati”, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov. The exposition features more than 300 items (photographs, archival materials, letters and portraits of nearest relation of the Imperial family), most of which are first presented in the museum space. Many of them were granted by Prince Michael Romanov-Ilyinsky. Due to that Tsarskoy Selo State Museum Reserve became the owner of the Russia’s largest collection of items, related to the name of Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich (1891–1942) – grandson of Alexander III, a cousin of Nicholas II.
The exposition shows a detailed branch of the Romanovs from the son of Alexander II - Paul – to his great-grandchildren Dmitry and Michael. The main character of the exhibition –Grand Prince Dmitri Pavlovich: huge block of documents and items related to his life and destiny is first presented.
The exhibition also shows a home video, depicting the last period of life of Grand Prince.
The exposition is complemented with objects from the Petersburg researchers and collectors Dmitry Matlin and Igor Filimonov, as well as materials from the archive “House of De L'Isle” (Paris).
The exhibition will run till September 30.