Russian museums: Museum of the Fountain opened in Peterhof

16 July 2013

July 13, 2013 in the Eastern gallery of the Grand Peterhof Palace was opened “Museum of the Fountain”.

The exposition of the museum introduces visitors to the history of the establishment, development and operation of the hydraulic structure – the Peterhof fountain system as well as tells of the art form of fountains, about their creators and the details of the construction. The museum features unique exhibits: the XVIII century cast-iron pipes, tools of fountain men, fragments of fountains “Umbrella” and “Favorite”.

Along with the classic exposure of museum objects the exposition uses the latest innovative technology: interactive video and multimedia areas. On the screens of plasma panels, provided by Samsung Electronics, in electronic form are featured rare drawings, archival photographs, reports, cost estimates and drawings.

The museum, established in a historic building the Grand Palace, is a museum of the XXI century by the idea and organization of space. The combination of museum objects, video and graphic material with appropriate sound and light support is designed to create a full picture of the visitor uniqueness of the Peterhof fountain system.