Information technology and archives: The conference “The practice of introducing the innovative products and technology in the archive sector” in Saint-Petersburg
July 2, 2013 the Federal Archive Agency together with the “Electronic Archive” Corporation and VNIIDAD holds in Saint-Petersburg, in the building of the Russian State Historical Archive, the Scientific-Practical conference “The practice of introducing the innovative products and technology in the archive sector”. The conference is attended by the heads of archival services of the subjects of the Russian Federation, directors of federal and state archives of Russia, specialists in the field of records management, specialists in the field of archival automation technology. The leaders and specialists of archival services of the CIS countries are also invited.
The objectives of the conference are:
- Discussion of methodology and methods of implementation of the Program of informatization of archival sector;
- Identification of priority directions of development and implementation of information technology in archives based on the outcome of the International Congress of Archives in Brisbane;
- Discussion of plans for the implementation of the Concept of archives in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020;
- Formation of the strategy of scientific and practical insurance of state services of archives on the basis of information technology of electronic government.