Information technology and security: Another “black list” of web sites to appear in Russia

2 July 2013

In addition to the launched in Russia in 2012 roster of web sites, engaged in distribution of banned materials, which were maintained by specialists of Roscomnadzor, in Russia may appear another “black list” of web sites, distributing viruses, spyware and other malicious software.

The management of “Coordination Center of national domain of the Internet” has launched the initiative. The initiative was also supported by large Russian IT-companies: Yandex, Mail.Ru and the Kaspersky Lab. According to the idea, the new “black list” should enhance the security of the Runet and “reduce the level of contamination of Russian Internet-resources”.

Thus, it is not planned to automatically block web sites from the “black list” of unsafe web sites. The users will have opportunity to check on specially created resources the addresses of “suspicious” Internet pages.