Information technology sand security: The “Kaspersky Lab” and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) announced cooperation

27 August 2013

 “Kaspersky Lab” and the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) have signed a strategic cooperation agreement in the field of information security, the purpose of which – to promote the development of modern computer technology in the region.

In the framework of the agreement, the parties intend to develop the trust and long-term cooperation aimed at improving the level of information of Yakutia. A special attention will certainly be paid to the protection of relevant cyber threats. For these purposes the “Kaspersky Lab” will make recommendations and assist in the preparation of requirements for information security systems for use in the IT-infrastructure of the republic’s administration and local government agencies in the region. In addition, the company plans to inform managers and IT-directors of the Yakut organizations on how to counter cyber threats and new security technologies. 

In order to improve the informatization level and the overall development of IT in the regions, the “Kaspersky Lab” has long cooperated with a number of Russian regions and republics. In particular, similar agreements were signed with the governments of Astrakhan, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk and the Murmansk regions, as well as with the administration of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Trans-Baikal region and the government of the city of Staint-Petersburg.