To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: Mikhailovskie Pushkin readings in 2013 dedicated to the memorable date
From 22 to 24 August 2013 at the Scientific and Cultural Center of the A. S. Pushkin State Museum Reserve “Mikhailovskoe” are held traditional Michalovskye Pushkin readings.
The topic of the conference “If I were Tsar…” The Artist and the government” is associated with a significant date, celebrated throughout the country - the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. For centuries the ways of life of the representatives of old Russian Pushkin and Romanov families repeatedly intersected. The Pushkins were pioneers of Russian tsar election in 1613 of Mikhail Romanov. “Four Pushkins signed under the treaty of the election to the throne of the Romanovs”, - says the poet in his “Early Autobiography” (1830).
The poet himself lived during the reign of three representatives of the monarchy dynasty of the Romanovs, with whom relations were formed complex and ambiguous.
Also the year 2013 marked some anniversaries. These are the 270th anniversary of the birth of Derzhavin, the 230th anniversary of the birth of V. A. Zhukovsky, the 155th anniversary of the birth of Grand Duke K. K. Romanov, President of the Saint-Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences, who led the anniversary committee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin.
The materials of the conference will traditionally see the light in one of the next issues of the popular edition “Michael’s Pushkiniana” which thanks to the museum has been published since 1996.