To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: The exhibition “Anniversary editions to the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov from the holdings of the Omsk pre-revolutionary libraries” in Omsk

16 August 2013

As part of the celebrations dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, on August 15, 2013 at the Museum of Centre of Book Monuments of the A. S. Pushkin Omsk State Regional Library was opened a book exhibition “The anniversary editions to the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov from the holdings of the Omsk pre-revolutionary libraries”.

The exposition is arranged in such a way that allows understanding the roll of anniversary events in 1913 and 2013. Publications, presented at the exposition, let recall how the festivities in Omsk were held 100 years ago. According to a report, published in the newspaper “The Omsk Telegraph” (February 1913), on February 20-22 in all the churches were held solemn services, religious processions. For the residents of the city were arranged performances, readings with light pictures and with the distribution of pamphlets and books. City Libraries in conjunction with the libraries of educational institutions offered readers literature on the history of the Romanov dynasty and drawn from the capital the portraits of Russian tsars, emperors and empresses. These books, journal articles, unique editions of 1912-1913 are on display. 

The central place belongs to luxury albums, published to the Romanov celebrations: “By the tercentenary of the Romanov dynasty. Album of portraits and historical paintings with images” (Saint-Petersburg, 1913), “1613-1913. Jubilee album to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov with drawings of Professor V. P. Vereshchagin” (Saint-Petersburg, 1913), a six-volume album “The Three Age”, which was the final edition of the famous “anniversary series” of the Russian publisher I. D. Sytin.

The exhibition features 30 rare editions.