History and culture: The exhibition of renovated portraits from the collections of the Smolensk Museum Reserve

13 August 2013

The Art Gallery of the Smolensk State Museum Reserve hosts a series of regular exhibitions from the collection of the museum, offering to meet with the works, which had the good fortune - they have been in the hands of restorers. Since August 5, 2013 will be exhibited the first three portraits of a group of paintings related to Polish culture of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Portraits of King Jan III Sobesky and two representatives of the big magnate dynasty of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Sapieha - for the first time appeared before the visitors of the gallery. The works, suffered during the war and occupation, have found a second life thanks to the Moscow and Saint-Petersburg restorers. The restoration work was carried out in 2007-2011.

As part of such restoration exhibitions the gallery specialists hope to present interesting exhibits, the scientific research of which is just beginning.