Information technology and libraries: “Mobile library” to be open at the Cathedral Square in Odessa

6 August 2013
Source: Odessa news

August 7, 2013 the Cathedral Square in Odessa (Ukraine) will turn into a reading room. At the city will start an innovative “Mobile library”. Its reader can be anyone who has a smart phone or a tablet, and – it is absolutely free.

Virtual bookshelves will be placed in the open air. To download books in electronic format will be a possible through public Wi-Fi network with the help of special QR-codes on the spines of books. Codes are easily read by the camera of any modern smart phone or tablet. Next to the bookshelves will work mobile librarians who will help readers to customize the device and show you how to download books.

The “Mobile Library” presents more than half a thousand books of different genres, including classical and contemporary works of Ukrainian and foreign authors. You can also take part in the social action “Bring a paper book and get in return 500 e-books”. Of all the books collected on the square will be built tower and later the books will be given to rural libraries.

The official opening of the library – August 7, it will run for three months.