History and culture: The exhibition “Art heritage of ancient Solvichegodsk” in the Archangelsk region

4 August 2013

In the Solvychegodsk Historical and Art Museum (the Arkhangelsk region) was opened the exhibition “Art Heritage of the ancient heritage of Solvichegodsk”.

In the guise of Solvichegodsk, like other ancient cities, a large role was played by religious buildings - churches and monasteries. After the revolution of 1917, when most of the Solvychegodsk churches were destroyed, most artistically valuable objects have fallen into the museum. New exhibition presents a rich collection of ancient art and decorative art that comes from the Solvychegodsk temples. The main place belongs to in the art heritage of the chapel of the Stroganoff - Cathedral of the Annunciation.

For the first time after the restoration are presented icons, originating from the Presentation Monastery and ruined temples of Solvychegodsk: rare on the iconography of “Our Lady of Georgia, Jerusalem” and “Basil the Great, with his Life in 16 marginal scenes”, “Fiery Ascent of the Prophet Elijah”, “Our Lady of Kazan” in the frame and etc.

More than 20 a wooden sculpture has not been exhibited in the Museum. In the new exhibition you can see the famous “St. George and the Dragon”, the engraver made ​​in the XVII century, and two sculpted image of St. Nicholas Mozhaisky.

For the first time in exposition practice of the museum was used multimedia technology. It will be possible not only to see the famous Chudinovsky plan of the XVIII century with a panorama of Solvichegodsk, but also get pictures and information about all the destroyed churches in the city.