Internet resources: Google has updated the search algorithm

30 September 2013
Source: Digit.Ru

Google has moved to a new Google search algorithm Hummingbird which analyzes the entire query, rather than single words, and can affect up to 90% of the requests.

In May 2012, Google began running semantic search tool Knowledge Graph. In contrast to the traditional keyword search, semantic search is designed to give a direct answer to the question. Thus, in the first places in the search issue are links to a page with information and concise set of facts necessary for a user. According to the developers, it makes use of the search engine more relevant, since users often need only a basic answer to the question.

The Hummingbird algorithm is designed to better identify and rank the direct responses to constituent requests. Not detailing the features of the algorithm, the company called it the biggest upgrade of search service since 2009, and noted that it would affect the results of up to 90% of the requests.

In addition to the algorithm Hummingbird, the event was announced the Knowledge Graph tool for comparative processing queries, the function of push-notification of the service Google Now optimized for iOS and voice search.