History and Culture: Exhibition “…And found Novgorod and make the stone city…” at the Pushkin Reserve

29 September 2013

The exhibition “…And found Novgorod and make the stone city…” opens on September 29, 2013 at the State A. S. Pushkin Museum-Reserve “Mikhailovskoe”.

The exhibition at the Pushkin Reserve – is a part of a large project “How starts a homeland…” in the exchange of exhibitions between museums of Novgorod and the Pskov region, implemented within the framework of the federal target program “Culture of Russia (2012-2016)”.

The exhibition features 35 paintings and 36 works of art - objects from the collections of the Museum of Art of the Novgorod land.

The three sections of the exhibition feature Novgorod - ancient, post-war and contemporary:

- “Ancient Novgorod”: the history of the Novgorod land since ancient times”.

- “Risen from the ashes”: Novgorod recovery after the World War II, restoration works”,

- “Novgorod today”: people, events, destinies”.