Information technology and culture: The first project of the Academy of Culture Google in Russia from the series “Milestones of History” launched

28 September 2013

Google in conjunction with the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center of Moscow launched the first project of the Academy of Culture of the Russian Google in the series “Milestones of History” - a virtual exhibition on the history of Jewish theater and artifact collections of Judaica, which are available to all Internet users at the website of the Academy of Culture of Google.

The virtual exposition includes materials on the history of the Jewish Theatre from the funds of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center - posters, photographs, theaters programs, gathered in the center of the Jewish theater culture in Russia, Eastern Europe and the United States.

As the most part of the synagogues of Eastern Europe together with all their treasures lost in the fire of the two world wars, or was destroyed during the anti-Semitic and anti-religious persecution, rare, almost unique, evidence, and monuments of the lost world of Eastern European Jews have not only artistic, but also historical value. Exhibits of virtual exhibition of Judaica artifacts are examples of Jewish visual culture and demonstrate the features of its aesthetics, and also play an important role in the synagogue liturgy and rites of traditional religious life.

The Academy of Culture of Google was launched in 2011 and provides access to the world cultural heritage to millions of Internet users. Some of the initiatives of the Academy of Culture include Art Project Google - virtual galleries of the most important works of the most famous museums in the world, a collection of masterpieces of nature and architecture “Wonders of the World”, which you can visit by the service Street View, and “Milestones of History” - digitized museum archives that were previously virtually inaccessible to wider audience.

The project partners in Russia today are the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Hermitage Museum, the Pushikin Museum of Fine Arts and State Russian Museum and the International Centre-Museum of Roerich.