International events: Exhibition “Willem II and Anna Pavlovna. Royal luxury of the Dutch court” as part of the cross cultural year of Russia – the Netherlands in Saint-Petersburg

25 September 2013

September 25, 2013 at the State Hermitage Museum is opened the exhibition “Willem II and Anna Pavlovna. Royal luxury of the Dutch court”.

The exhibition is a key event of the year of the Netherlands – Russia. It is dedicated to one of the most important events in the relations between the two countries, which influenced on European history of the XIX century - the marriage of Grand Duchess Anna Pavlovna with the heir to the throne of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Willem of Orange. 

After a visit to Saint-Petersburg and the acquaintance with the imperial art collection, Willem became a passionate collector, who collected in his life one of the best collections of paintings in Europe. Because of the difficult financial situation after the death of his collection was sold at auction and some of it is now on permanent display in the Hermitage.

The exhibition is organized by the State Hermitage Museum in cooperation with the Museum of the City of Dordrecht, the Netherlands and the collection of the Royal Art Museum of the City of Luxembourg - Villa Vauban. Since the collection of Willem II after his death was sold and was staggered throughout the world, the exhibitors became numerous large international museums and private collections.