Information technology and culture: The presentation of the project “Theater media Library” in Moscow

22 September 2013

The presentation of the project: Theatre Media Library” is held in Moscow, at the “Gogol-center” on September 22, 2013.

The basis of the “Theater library” will make private collections of famous theater critics and filmmakers. At the same time the media library will buy videos that are stored in private and public collections (the Bakhrushin Museum Film Fund, the Gosteleradiofond, the Krasnogorsk archive and etc.). In addition, it is planned to search rare, sometimes considered lost films and video materials, their digitization and restoration in order to further release on license disks.

The funds of media library will be regularly updated; the updates can be followed at the website of “Gogol-center”. The media library will be open to all comers, public lectures and video screenings and the “Theater library” will be held once a month based on the funds.