Society and reading: The International Intellectual Forum “Reading on the Eurasian crossroads” in Chelyabinsk

20 September 2013

September 19-20 in the Southern Urals, in Chelyabinsk, starts the International Intellectual Forum “Reading on the Eurasian crossroads”. The event is dedicated to the problems of development of reading and information culture.

At the forum are discussed issues of the past, the present and the future in the development of the book culture, the use of new information and communications technology in the stimulating of the reading activity, the role of family, the search of new forms of interaction with readers, including the people with disabilities.

Regional libraries actively participate in the work of the forum: the largest in the Southern Urals Public Library shares experience with colleagues and conducts the master class on the preparation and the holding of presentations, the regional children’s library is preparing several reports on the problems of children’s literature, on how to involve children to the reading, how to talk to them about the classics.

As part of the forum are held round tables on a variety of topics, including the study of literature on the issues of the publication of children’s books. The program also includes book fair, presentations, surveys, the show and discussion of films.