World history: The exhibition “Air Bridge “The USSR – Slovakia”. 1944” in Moscow

17 September 2013

September 17, 2013 at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 opens a joint exhibition with the Museum of Slovak National Uprising exhibition “Air Bridge “The USSR – Slovakia”. 1944”.

The exhibition is unique in the presented documents and photos. It opens up a little-known for a wide range of people page of history of the World War II and the Great Patriotic War - The “Air Bridge”, organized by our country in aid of the insurgent Slovak people. The authors - researchers from Slovakia, S. Bursand J. Stanislav – they did a great job on the identification and selection of the historical material. The materials of the exhibition provide information about the goods, organization of their delivery and operation of Slovak airports (in particular, the “Three Oak”), the picture of everyday life in the events, heavy military weekdays from raids and bombing enemy air and artillery attacks. Many efforts have been made to identify the names and information about Soviet pilots, the crew, soldiers and commanders of the division of Czechoslovakia and Slovak rebels. The authors mention families, who only in 2012-2013 learnt about the circumstances of the death and the burial place of their loved ones.

Photographs provided not only museums but also individuals are unique. Most part of the materials of the exhibition is on display for the first time. A number of items from the collections of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War uniforms, weapons and equipment, awards, books, posters, work of applied art are also selected. For a more complete acquaintance with the little known documents during the World War II and the Great Patriotic War are shown videos that complement the main part of the exhibition.

The exhibition will run till March 2014.