Information technology and authority: Prime Ministers of Russia, Finland and France to take part in the work of the Moscow International Forum “Open Innovation”
The Prime Ministers of Russia, Finland and France will be the main guests of the II Moscow International Forum “Open Innovation”, which will be held on October 31 - November 2, 2013 in IEC “Crocus Expo” in Moscow.
On the first day of the forum, Dmitry Medvedev, Jyrki Katainen and Jean-Marc Eyraud will meet with representatives of the innovative, entrepreneurial and scientific community, as well as with members of the international project of the youth forum program “100 innovators”.
The Prime Ministers will also take part in the plenary session of the “National Strategy Leadership in the hyperlinked world”.
Scale international marketplace of innovative development is designed to showcase the best Russian and foreign products and technologies, the exchange of experience in successfully implementing innovative projects, effective interaction of the participants with the state, science and business.
The forum will be attended by top officials of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation, the government delegations of France and Finland, heads of leading global companies, eminent scientists and experts in the field of business innovation, foreign and domestic innovators of the 26 subjects of the Russian Federation.