Library Associations: the Russian Association of Electronic Libraries webcasts the 26th Moscow International Book Fair events

4 September 2013

On September 4-5, 2013, within a framework of 26th Moscow International Book Fair the "Cloud Technologies in Publishing, Book Distributing and Librarianship" and "The Legislative Initiatives and Legal Regulation of Russian Book Publishing" conferences will be broadcasted live over the Internet by the Russian Association of Electronic Libraries.

"The Legislative Initiatives and Legal Regulation of Russian Book Publishing" conference webcast will be held on September 4, 2013, from 14 to 17 p.m. Moscow Time at

The event aims to identify the copyright regulation priorities.

The legislative initiatives in the field of copyright, publishing and content security, the legal, organizational and technical capabilities of the prevention a piracy in the new environment, the provision procedure of digital copies to the readers, the possibility of online access and other issues will be discussed throughout the conference.

"Cloud Technologies in Publishing, Book Distributing and Librarianship" conference will be webcasted on September r, 2013, from 11 a.m. to 14 p.m. Moscow Time at

The purpose of the event is to determine the full spectrum of cloud-based technologies for the creation, storage, distribution and use of the publishing content, taking into account the copyrights holder’s interests, and the expanding of a range and a quality of educational services.

The conference will focus at the advantages and disadvantages of cloud technologies for business, at the business efficiency improvement through the clouds, the content access formats, the document storage in the cloud, the protecting content from unauthorized access, cloud technologies in libraries and much more.

Among participants are the lawyers, the Internet, publishing, bookselling and libraries industries professionals.

26 Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) - the largest Russian international book forum - will be held on September 4-9, 2013, at the All-Russia Exhibition Center in Moscow.

The guest of honor of MIBF 26 is the Hungary: the achievement of Hungarian literature and the best book design works will be presented at the Hungary National Pavilion. The extensive program on cultural cooperation between the two countries will complement the exposition. The thematically interrelated "Russian literature in Hungary" and "The Future of Hungarian Literature in Russia" roundtable conferences will become the significant events of the fair.