To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: The exhibition “The Romanovs. Portrait of a Dynasty” at the State Historical Museum in Moscow

3 September 2013

The exhibition “The Romanovs. Portrait of a Dynasty. Grand and royal portrait from the collection of the State Historical Museum” opened in Moscow on 3 September 2013.

The exhibition features portraits of members of the royal family of the XVII - beginning of the XX century, made in painting, sculpture, miniatures, drawings and photographs. The Romanovs over the centuries have been the main “objects” of art - local and foreign artists made numerous portraits of them.

In addition to portraits, the exhibition will show genre works that reveal the way of life of the Romanovs: the coronation, the events of social and cultural life, court life and the war scenes. The exhibition includes Romanov “Memory”: personal items, autographs and memorabilia.