Russian language: Book exhibition “The Gold Placer of Russian Words” in Cheboksary

3 September 2013

National Library of the Chuvash Republic invites residents and visitors of the city of Cheboksary to visit the book exposition “The Gold Placer of Russian Words”. The exhibition, dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and International Literacy Day, is held from 3 to 14 September 2013.

Through this exhibition the organizers would like to draw attention of the public, especially the younger generation, to modern problems of Russian language.

The exhibition features more than 200 publications about “the great, the mighty, truthful and free” Russian language. Each of the seven sections of the exhibition in its own way tries to reveal the uniqueness and richness of language. 

Getting acquainted with the exhibition, readers and visitors will be able to see the library and look through old books in wood, covered with leather, covers, with art metal clasps and salaries; try to read the Cyrillic manuscripts and printed prayer books of the XVII-XIX centuries; to write with pen and ink; meet linguistic phenomena such as jargon, slang, colloquialisms.

Electronic presentations “Living Antiquity” and “The creators of the Slavic Alphabet: Cyril and Methodius” will become video illustrations for the exhibition.