World History and Culture: Exhibition of Russian Icons "In the beginning was the Word..." in Bratislava

3 September 2013

In the ancient castle of Bratislava (Slovakia), in the main permises of which is located the Slovak National Museum, is held an exhibition of Russian icons "In the beginning was the Word ... ", dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the Moravian mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius.

The exhibition is organized by the Moscow Museum of Russian Icons, the Ministry of Culture of Slovakia, the Slovak National Museum, the Russian Embassy in Slovakia and the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Bratislava.

The exhibition includes more than 100 unique icons, including 12 icons of Cyril and Methodius , and the most valuable Russian Old Believer medieval manuscripts, books and stationery, created during the VIII-XX centuries of Byzantine and Russian masters. Among the icons in the exhibition - a unique icon Paraskeva of the 16th century, as well as an icon of 15th-century by the brush of student Andrei Rublev.

The opening of the exhibition has caused wide concern in Slovakia, where saints Cyril and Methodius are specially revered, who began their Moravian mission from the territory of modern Slovakia.