Society and church: The XVII World Russian People’s Council in Moscow
October 30, 2013 in Moscow starts the XVII World Russian People’s Council (WRPC), which members will discuss the consolidation of the Russian society and the country’s role in the modern world civilization. The main theme of the largest public forum is “Russia as a country-civilization. The united society and the future of the Russian people”.
The Council welcomes representatives of all branches of government, leaders of associations, the higher clergy of traditional religions, science, education and culture, the military, the delegates from the Russian community and abroad, numerous representatives of the youth, the general public.
The participants of the forum will discuss the situation with the modern national literature, the problems of upbringing and education, the spiritual legacy of St. Sergius of Radonezh on the eve of the 700th anniversary of the birth of “the abbot of the Russian land”, the role of the Romanov dynasty in the formation of Russian civilization and other topics.