International events: Exhibition “Photograph of the Future” in the framework of the Days of German-Russian Culture and the Year of Germany in Khabarovsk

25 October 2013

October 25, 2013 in the N. I. Grodekov Khabarovsk Museum opens the exhibition “Photograph of the Future” which is held as part of the Days of German-Russian Culture and the Year of Germany in Russia on the initiative of the Goethe Institute (Novosibirsk).

The exhibition features photographs and photo installations of various authors, which demonstrate an extraordinary look into the future, and allow looking at the eternal question “what will happen tomorrow” from different points of view including both classical photo vision of reality and its underground understanding.

Two curators from Germany and Russia Ester Rulfs and Ekaterina Lazareva offered German and Russian artists who work with photograph to reflect on how you can take a picture of the future. The arsenal of participants of the project includes all the modern media technology that allows capturing the “subjects” of the future, creating a futuristic atmosphere. The exhibition not only shows how inspirable the future can be, but also encourages each visitor to think about himself.