Society and culture: Exhibition “Masters of Petersburg prints” in Saint-Petersburg

25 October 2013

The Small Hall of the Central Exhibition Hall “Manege” (Saint-Petersburg) from October 25, 2013 presents the exhibition “Masters of Petersburg prints” which is the natural continuation of the started in 2006 series of exhibitions “Amateur of Prints” which became extremely popular annual project that has turned into a real international festival of printed graphics. On the other hand, the new exhibit space dictated, respectively, the new scale of exposure, and even a different conceptual direction. The organizers have decided to acquaint the audience with some of the best representatives of the Saint-Petersburg school of printed graphics. Different techniques, a wide range of printed graphics, are demonstrated.

The graphic school of Petersburg-Leningrad takes a special place in the art heritage of the world printed graphics. And this is not just because it has a rich history and famous names of great masters who are included to the encyclopedia of art. But also because the Petersburg school of prints features a special aesthetic, characterized, on the one hand, with a respect of tradition and aristocratic refinement, and, on the other hand, bold and innovative and sometimes daring search for new forms.