Society and culture: The I International Photo Festival in Suzdal

24 October 2013

October 24-27, 2013 in the Vladimir region, in Suzdal, takes place the I International Photo Festival. It is organized by the Union of Photographers of Russia with the support of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Administration of the Vladimir Region and the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve.

The program of the festival includes master-classes of curators, art historians; the speeches of famous personalities of photographic sphere; round-table with members of the jury, dedicated to the outcome of the competition and trends of contemporary creative photography in the country and the world; portfolio review by well-known photographers for authors - participants of the festival; the collective shooting under the guidance of experts, followed by analysis of results; blitz competition for all participants of the festival on the theme set by the organizers; exhibitions of contemporary format.

The one who is passion with a photograph can get practical tips on the use of photographic techniques and the basics of photography. Professional photographers will be able to learn from famous artists, show them their works.

Festival guests will learn about the latest technology to print photos and make other photoproducts, see themed movies and presentations.

The festival will include a big two-hour seminar on contemporary prints.

The festival contains workshop on analog photo processes on which the audience will become familiar with the technology of the picture of the XIX century.

The seminar on “Staged photo. Creating an artistic image from conception to implementation” will be held.

The festival includes several different by size and volume exhibitions.

The Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve will organize the exhibition dedicated to Suzdal. The works depicted the past and the present of the ancient city. The exhibition will be located in one of the exhibition areas of the Museum-Reserve.

The exhibition is also planned, which can include photos of absolutely everyone. Participants and visitors of the event will be able to have an informal talk with each other, discuss the work, and even pick up any favorite. Also as part of the festival will be operated the exhibition of works by participants of “Rusartfoto-2013”, that is organized by the Union of Photo Artists of Russia and is held at its official website. “Rusartfoto-2013” is devoted to art photography. The competition does not involve restrictions in technique photos, and anyone can participate in it. The international jury will select the winners in each category and announce them at the photo festival in Suzdal on October 26.