Libraries and society: The International Congress “The Library as a cultural phenomenon” in Minsk
23-24 October 2013 the National Library of Belarus in Minsk hosts the International Congress “The Library as a cultural phenomenon”.
The organizers of the Congress are: the Ministry of Culture of Belarus, the National Library of Belarus.
The planned themes at the plenary and breakout sessions:
- The information society and the knowledge society: the role and place of libraries.
- Management of library activities in the information society.
- The role of libraries in the preservation of the national and world book heritage.
- Public availability of information and the protection of intellectual property rights.
- Digital libraries: towards a common cultural and information space.
- Libraries as public access points to the national and foreign electronic information resources.
- Information and library services production and non-production areas of the economy.
- Technical and technological innovation in libraries.
- The interaction of institutions of culture, science, education and business as a factor of the innovative environment of society and its sustainable development.
- Advanced information technologies in the field of library and information service, information and documentation.
- The virtual library space - a single window for the user, the environment for the interaction of library professionals.
- The modern reader and library: the choice of communicative practices.
- Library personnel, profession and education.
As part of the International Congress it is organized an exhibition of electronic information resources and services, which will present electronic information products created for science, culture and education, software for generating search engine information systems and services, digital collections and libraries.