Libraries and society: The annual meeting of directors of federal and central regional libraries of Russia in Saint-Petersburg

22 October 2013

On behalf of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the National Library of Russia and the Russian State Library hold the Annual meeting of directors of federal and central regional libraries of Russia on October 22-23, 2013 in Saint-Petersburg (the National Library of Russia, New building).

The main objective of the meeting of leaders of the branch is the discussion of key issues of state policy in the field of library science. The theme if the Meeting 2013: “Innovative models of development and the quality of library service of citizens of Russia”.

The Meeting will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Ministry of labor and Social Protection of Russia and other executive and legislative branches of federal and regional levels.

At plenary and thematic sessions will be discussed the following issues:

- the quality management of state services in libraries;

- the interaction of service quality salary of the personnel;

- the participation of the library on the formation of the system of independent assessment of the quality of the work;

- ensuring of the informational openness of the library.

At the Meeting it will be presented a specially prepared manual for assessing the quality of libraries.

In the course of the Meeting will be held the summing of the All-Russian contest “Librarian of the Year 2013”, founded by the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Russian Library Association.