Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition “The search for the truth of Yaakov Abramov” to the 155th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian writer and educator in Stavropol

21 October 2013

October 18, 2013 in the G. N. Prozritelev and G. K. Prave Stavropol State Museum-Reserve took place the opening of the exhibition “The search for truth of Yaakov Abramov” dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian writer, educator and social activist Y. V. Abramov.

For the first time visitors of the exhibition will be presented numerous documentary evidence directly relevant to the life and work of Y. V. Abramov and his era: the records (from the State Archives of the Stavropol Territory and the Central State Archive of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania); lifetime prints of Y. V. Abramov, as well as published scientific research and literature about it (presented by the M. Y. Lermontov Stavropol Regional Universal Scientific Library and the Stavropol State library Museum-Reserve). The exhibition aims to show the rich heritage of the writer - journalist and make it public domain.

Yaakov V. Abramov (1858-1906) entered the history of the social and literary movement of the last decades of the XIX - early XX century as an inspirational educator, completely subordinated himself and his creativity goals of peaceful progress of Russia, and as one of the most famous writers of his time, who collaborated in leading Russian periodicals.

The name of Yaakov V. Abramov, long timed being remained undeservedly forgotten, only recently has become widely known thanks to the great work of the scientific research of the North Caucasus Federal University.

On the basis of the exhibition will be implemented the museum and the memorial project, which includes literary meetings, conferences, scientific Abramovskie readings, lectures and tours.