Russian language and society: The Youth Forum “Heirs” at the Museum-Reserve of A. S. Pushkin “Mikhailovskoe”
18-19 October 2013, in Pushkin lyceum days, at the Pushkin Reserve is held a youth forum “Heirs”. The forum is organized by the Faculty of Philology of the S. M. Kirov Pskov State University with the joint participation of the museum-reserve. At the top of the forum is the Russian language, and the main participants are high school students and students of educational institutions of Pskov and the Pskov region, as well as the Republic of Belarus , Latvia and Estonia. In order to become a member of the forum, you must submit work in one of two nominations – “The socio-cultural program” and “Social and cultural project”. Each of them should meet the task of raising the status of the modern Russian language.
In nomination “The socio-cultural program” is considered works aimed at promoting creativity of A. S. Pushkin, the Russian literature, the subjects of motivation to study the Russian language and Russian culture among the Russian-speaking population living in the Republic of Belarus and the Baltic countries. In the category “Social and cultural project” should be submitted projects aimed at creating a common information space of the Russian-speaking youth, to educate the youth in the Russian language and culture.
In the Lyceum days guests will go through museum tours, will learn about the history of Russian literature and the epistolary communication, literary and musical program, which will feature not only the poetry of Pushkin, but also the participants of the forum.