Internet and society: The book fund of the Military Historical Library of the General Staff of Russia available in the Internet

18 October 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

The official web site of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has opened a new section “Military Historical Library”, where visitors can learn about the book fund of the Military Historical Library of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.

According to the Department of Press-service and Information of the military office, it was the first step towards the creation of the Military Electronic Library.

“The basis of a unique book fund of the library is military literature on strategy, operational art, and the common tactics of arms, military history and military art from ancient times to the present day, arms and military equipment”, - told the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

Ordinary Internet users can get access to a unique book fund, which today is used by the generals, officers and civilian personnel of the Ministry of defense of Russia. In addition, visitors of the web site can learn about the activities and the events carried out by the Military Historical Library and the created ​​historical research and educational center.

The history of MHL GS started in 1811 when the Chief of the General Staff Major General Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky established the library of the General and Main Staff of the Russian Army.