Memory of the world: Festival Week 200 years Battle of the Nations 1813 at Leipzig held in Germany
Memory of the world: Festival Week 200 years Battle of the Nations 1813 at Leipzig held in Germany
17 October 2013
From October 17-21, 2013 in Germany is held the Festival Week of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig in 1813.
The program of events from 17 to 21 October includes the great historical Agra Park in Leipzig (Markkleberg district), a historical reconstruction of the battle with participants from all over Europe.
The culmination of the events will be the reconstruction of civil and military operations of 1813 with participation of about 6000 participants from all Europe on the southern battlefield in the historical scenery.
The program is complemented with the cavalry camp, memorable events on monuments of Battle of the Nations, regal feast in the park at the castle in Agra Park, as well as the historic market.