Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition “Verdi in the works of Nicholas Benois. To the 200th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi” in Petehof

12 October 2013

From October 10, 2013 in the Hall of Mirrors of Museum of the Benois Family (the Peterhof State Museum Reserve) is held an exhibition of “Verdi in the works of Nikolas Benois. To the 200th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi”. The exhibition opened on the birthday of the great Italian composer, whose work is one of the pinnacles of world opera.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Benois is a brilliant theater artist of the XX century. For his creativity and skills he was called “Verdi in theatrical painting”.

Now the Museum of the Benois family, created by the active participation of Nicholas II, contains more than 400 of his works - sketches of scenery and costumes for opera and ballet performances. The artist has designed more than 300 productions, including set and costume designs to almost all of Verdi’s operas. The exhibition in the Hall of Mirrors presents archive materials, photographs, postcards, and 16 sketches of scenery and costumes, made to the major works of Verdi’s opera “Nabucco”, “Macbeth”, “Il Trovatore”, “Masquerade”, “The Force of Destiny”, “Aida” and “Othello”.