Memorable dates of Russia: The documentary exhibition “Obruchev Land. To the 150th anniversary of Vladimir Afanasievich Obruchev” in Moscow

11 October 2013

The documentary exhibition “Obruchev Land. To the 150th anniversary of Vladimir Afanasievich Obruchev” opened on October 10, 2013 at the Exhibition Hall of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

According to the deputy director of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences Irina Ilina, the exhibition features more than 200 authentic rare documents - a significant part of the stored in the Archive of the RAS of personal foundation of one of the most famous in the world of science Russian geologists of the XIX-XX century traveler and pioneer of the science fiction writer.

Among the artifacts are manuscripts of monographs, work diaries of Obruchev “On the exploration and production of gold”, with drawings, maps prepared by his own gold districts in the basins of the Vitim and the Lena, reports of expeditions to areas of the Caspian Sea, Eastern Siberia, North China, the Central Asia, and the manuscript cards for publication “History of geological exploration of Siberia”, and named in honor of the scientist mineral “obruchevit” from the V. I. Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the RAS.

A part of the exposition is the literary heritage of Obruchev - short stories, novels and plays, press articles, manuscripts, adventure and science fiction novels and short stories “Flying in the future and the past”, “In the wilds of Central Asia (note treasure hunt)”, “Plutonium”, “Sannikov Land”.