History of a Book: International seminar “Western European book of the XV – XVIII centuries: the study and the cataloguing” in Novosibirsk
October 8-10, 2013 at the Novosibirsk Regional Universal Research Library is held the International training seminar “Western European book of the XV – XVIII centuries: the study and the cataloguing”, prepared by specialists of the State Public Historical Library of Russia (Moscow), the National School of Charters 9paris), the National Library of France, the Novosibirsk Regional Universal Research Library with participation of the State Public Scientific-Technical Library of the SB RAS.
The seminar “Western European book of the XV - XVIII centuries: the study and the cataloging” in Novosibirsk - a significant event: the first seminar was held earlier in Moscow, Astrakhan, Vologda, expanding its geography and was held outside the European part of Russia, beyond the Urals.
The seminar “Western European book of the XV – XVIII centuries: the study and the cataloguing” is designed to help libraries, museums, archives, having foreign incunabula in the study of this fund, the identification of valuable and rare publications, the cataloguing with the use of Internet resources.