Society and books: Exhibition of book illustrations from the collection of the I. N. Kramsky Voronezh Art Museum in Moscow

10 October 2013

From October 9 to November 25, 2013 at the State Pushkin Museum (Moscow) is held the exhibition of book illustrations of V. A. Milashevsky “Illustration as style loyalty” from the collection of the I. N. Kramsky Voronezh Regional Art Museum, timed to the 120th anniversary of the artist.

The famous artists Vladimir Milashevky is known for his amazing illustrations to the Russian and foreign classics – from Pushkin’s “Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda” to the novels of Balzak.

Today, the works by the artist are stored in many museums of Russia, and, of course, they are in the collection of the State Pushkin Museum. Figures of Milashevsky to Pushkin fairy tales adorn the children’s constant exposition and not once have been shown at exhibitions. But those works by artist which are presented at jubilee exhibition – the Moscow audience will see for the first time.

More than 50 works of draw and original graphics, V. Milashevsky has brought to Moscow the I. N. Kramsky Voronezh Regional Art Museum in which funds is stored a significant part of the artist’s heritage.

The artist has left a great artistic heritage. The range of his work is extremely wide – Vladimir Milashevsky was fine painter, brilliant watercolorist, master of landscape and psychological portrait; he successfully tried his hand in lithography and as a theatre artist. But particularly fruitful he worked in the field of illustrations. The artist designed about 100 books for children and the youth. Equally well he illustrated dozens classics’ works of world literature and Soviet writers.