Internet and history: Internet project “The chronicle” considering the 500-year history of Russia in the context of world events launched

7 October 2013
Source: Digit.Ru

The Internet project “The chronicle” which allows us to consider the 500-year history of Russia in the context of world events, was launched on October 7, 2013 by the Historical Library “Runivers”.

“The technology, which allows you to put on a horizontal time scale of any event in the history of mankind, so that you can see what happened in the same time in different countries to understand the relationship of events to grasp patterns, such as what happened in 1795 in France, England, Russi , Poland”,  - said the chief editor of “Runivers” Nikita Maximov .

Now “The chronicle” includes events in Russian history from 1430 to 1917, as well as the rulers of the major European powers of the same period on the following topic areas: adherence of land war, the rulers of Russia, the UK, Austria, Poland, France, Sweden, etc.

The Historical Project “Runivers” - electronic fax library, was established in 2008. The purpose of the project - to provide free Internet access to the most important part of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia - the original sources, which are the largest stacks and state archives and are only available to visitors of dozen major Russian libraries. At the moment the library puts books published in Russia in the XIX - early XX century, especially on the history, the works of Russian philosophers, encyclopedias, collections of documents that have been removed from the cultural circulation for nearly a century or more were not released.