History of Russia: Exhibition project “Catherine II. The way to the throne” in Vyatka

4 October 2013

October 2, 2013 the State Historical Museum presented at the V. M. and A. M. Vasnetsovs Art Vyatka Museum a new exhibition project “Catherine II. The way to the throne”, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of her accession to the throne.

The exhibition is devoted to the initial period of the life of Catherine II of Russia - from her arrival in the country before her accession to the throne.

The exhibition tells the story of the major events in the life of the Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeevna: the origins and upbringing, her arrival in Russia, making Orthodoxy, married to the heir of the throne, the birth of a son, as well as a palace revolution on June 28 and the coronation on September 22, 1762.

Among the exhibits are rare portraits of the main characters of the era, political allies and rivals prints with views of cities, architectural drawings, weapons, items, palace items and rare cartographic and numismatic monuments, investigation files.