Information and society: The International conference, dedicated to the humanities in the digital age, in Saint-Petersburg

3 October 2013

The Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University and the Center for Science and Information Technology “Asterion” hold from 3 to 5 October 2013 in Saint-Petersburg the International scientific- practical conference “The Science of Culture in perspective «digitalhumanities».

The humanities, from the point of view of their subject matter, can be very generally defined as the study of various forms of fixation of the human experience. Digital humanities are a mode of existence of the humanities in the digital age storage and transmission of information.

The following issues will be discussed at the event:

- The subject and methods of the sciences of culture in digital ways of encoding and decoding information, new algorithms for analysis and synthesis of information, digital simulation;

- The cultural history of digital technology, ethics and aesthetics of digital communications, network forms of interaction, Internet space;

- Prospects of digitizing the collections of libraries, museums, archives, cultural and natural heritage;

- Digital technology in research and educational activities of workers of cultural studies;

- The transformation of the cultural sciences and the humanities in the digital age, the operation of online communities, scientific periodicals;

- The transformation of the content and methods of teaching the humanities in digital technology; challenges of modern forms of presentation of the content of cultural disciplines;

- Artistic practices and curatorial activities in the digital age.

The conference will include two formats: theoretical scientific discussions in the mode of discussion of papers and poster presentations, as well as conduct master classes and presentations.