Peoples of Russia: The I Republican National Book Festival “Book – the way to mutual understanding and agreement of the nations” in Adygea
October 1, 2013 in the City Park of Culture and Rest of Maikop and the National Library of the Republic of Adygea was first held the Republican National Book Festival “Book - the way to mutual understanding and consent of the nations”. The festival is timed to the 22th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, and is part of the “Cultural diversity of the peoples of the Republic of Adygea for 2012-2016”.
The festival is attended by representatives of national social movements, science and culture, the members of the creative unions, media representatives, students and students of educational institutions of the country, as well as all those who are interested in a national book. The festival aims to draw the attention of the general public to the problem of understanding the high status of a national book and its role in the formation of tolerance of people. The main purpose of the festival is to promote national book culture, strengthening the role of libraries in strengthening of intercultural and interethnic dialogue in a multi-ethnic area of Adygea.
The festival program includes folk-ethnographic, pop, vocal and choreographic, theatrical, literary and artistic compositions performed by professional and amateur artists and groups from the country. The participants and guests of the event will be presented to a large book exhibition “Book Palette”, dedicated to the national book culture of the peoples living in Adygea.