The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

29 November 2013

The web site has been enriched with materials dedicated to the ceremony of coronation of Russian tsars and emperors from the of the Presidential Library’s collection.

The book Umstandliche Beschreibung der Hohen Salbung und Cronung der allerdurchlauchtigsten, grossmuchtigsten Furstin und grossen Fraunen, Anna Joannowna Kayserin und Selbstherrscherin von gantz Russland... (St. Petersburg, 1731) is devoted to the description of the coronation of Empress Anna Ioanovna, held in Moscow on April 28 (May 9) 1730. The publication was prepared by the Academy of Sciences German and Russian languages. The portrait of the Empress and three great illustrations to the scene of the coronation, the coronation procession and fireworks are the same in Russian and German versions. Other tables were revised and re-engraved. The engravings were executed by pupils of Dutch engraver O. Elliger – I. A. Sokolov, G. A. Katchalov, F. E. Mattarnovi and etc. For the German edition Elliger engraved vignettes of two stories - backdrop "The announcement of the coronation" drawing I. Schumacher and ending with the image of a national holiday in the Kremlin.

The edition Vues des cérémonies les plus intéressantes du Couronnement de Leurs Majéstes Impériales L'Empereur Nicolas I et L'Impératrice Alexandra, a Moscou (Paris, 1828) describes the coronation of Nicholas I and Alexandra Feodorovna, held in the Moscow Kremlin on August 22 (September 3) 1826. In addition to figures in the text, the edition is decorated with 14 illustrations of the coronation procession, service in the Assumption Cathedral of the imperial regalia and executed by French artists L. and V. Adam Courtin in lithography on separate sheet. The edition came out only in French. The album became a rarity in the late XIX century.

In memory of the coronation of Emperor Alexander III and his wife Maria Feodorovna, held 15 (27) May 1883 in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, was published a book Coronation of Russian tsars on the throne from Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich to Emperor Alexander III (St. Petersburg, 1883). Half of publication is devoted to the historical essay on the coronation of Russian rulers, since 1613 - the enthronement of Mikhail Romanov. The second part refers to the solemn event in 1883, the description of which is preceded by the royal manifesto and registered the highest decree to start preparing for the ceremony. The details are given entry into Moscow ceremonies of Highest individual and most of the coronation, the samples of suits of various officials during ceremonies. In addition, a detailed description of urban illumination in honor of the holiday is presented. The publication is richly decorated with 217 illustrations in the text, in the technique of wood engraving by famous Russian engravers. The text is presented in parallel in French and Russian languages.

Spring is red: allegorical procession, arranged at folk festivals on May 21, 1883 [at Khodynka] M. Lentovskyon on the occasion of the holy coronation of Their Imperial Majesties / from drawings by F. Shekhtel; [auth. verse. L. Leonids-Gulyaev] (Moscow, 1883). On the occasion of the coronation of the imperial couple - Alexander III and his wife Maria Feodorovna at Khodynka May 21 (June 2) 1883 celebrations were organized, during which there was an allegorical, pageantry "Spring is red". The procession was directed by Russian actor Drama Theater and operetta M. Lentovsky, director and entrepreneur M. Lentovsky. The album is composed by architect, painter, graphic artist, set designer F. O. Shechtel. Figures represent episodes of processions, the overall look and plan of celebrations at Khodynka. The album’s cover is a masterpiece of graphic art book. The publication highlights the poem of Leonidov Gulyaev "Spring is red".

The "Coronation collection: with the consent of His Majesty the Emperor: with adj. reproductions of the originals with Benois, Vasnetsov [etc.]" (St. Petersburg, 1899). Volume 1, Volume 2 presents a historical overview of all coronations of Russian autocrats and detailed description of the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Moscow on 14 (26) May 1896. The collection contains a large number of pictures, including, photographs and decorative procession of clearance for the coronation of the squares and streets of Moscow, as well as copies of historical artworks of A. Benoit, V. Vasnetsov, V. Makovsky, I. Repin, V. Serov and others.

The preparation of new materials continues.