World culture: Exhibition “The Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania and its restoration” in Saint-Petersburg
The exhibition "Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania and its restoration" opens on November 29, 2013 in the Peter and Paul Fortress (Saint-Petersburg).
14 information boards tell of the front of a single residence of the rulers of the Polish-Lithuanian state – the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Vilnius. Completely destroyed at the turn of XVIII-XIX centuries, the palace has been restored in the XXI century. Archaeological research conducted at the site of the grand residence, and stages of modern reconstruction of the palace can also be found at the exhibition.
The history of the grand residence in the Lower Castle of Vilnius begins from the end of the XV - beginning of XVI century. Over one and a half centuries, until the first half of the XVII century, the Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania was the center of political and cultural life of the State. It received Moscow envoys, ambassadors of the Holy Roman Empire, Hungary, Turkey, Persia, France, Venice, Tuscany and other countries. There was a large library, a rich collection of tapestries, weapons, paintings, hunting trophies in the palace.
The palace itself was rebuilt several times in different styles from Gothic and Renaissance to Baroque.
In 1661 during the Russian-Polish War (1654-1667) the residence was severely damaged by fire. For nearly half a century the palace was in a dilapidated state, and after the last section of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1795), the walls of the palace in Vilnius in 1799-1801 years were completely demolished.
In 1987, on the spot where the Grand Palace situated, started archaeological research. During the work, more than 300,000 archaeological finds have been collected.
In 2000-2001, the Sejm and the Lithuanian government decided to restore the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania. The work began in May 2002. And in 2009 in the premises of the restoring palace took place the symbolic opening of the National Museum "Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania". For visitors, the museum opened its doors in July 2013.
The materials of the exhibition in the Peter and Paul Fortress represent the history of the construction of the Vilnius residence and related major events, as well as the main stages of its reconstruction. Here you can see the historical and contemporary views of the Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania, the photos showing the archaeological work on the site of the destroyed buildings, and images of numerous archaeological finds, the project of reconstruction of the palace, the views, the interior of the Renaissance and the museum exhibits on the history of the Lithuanian state.
The exhibition is organized by the State Museum of the History of Saint-Petersburg, the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in Saint-Petersburg, the National Museum "Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania".