Information and society: Concept of information security for children published for public discussion in Russia

26 November 2013

The concept of information security of children developed by Roscomnadzor together with the expert community is submitted for public discussion at the web site of the office. As emphasized in the press service of Roskomnadzor, the document is to "formulate legislative proposals in the field of protection of children from harmful information and specify complex legal concepts".

"The document structures a model of the examination of information products, in particular, for testing of experts highlighted the qualification requirements, the methods of examination, the basic meaningful reference points on which the experts will be able to take the informed unambiguous decisions", - explained in the department. In addition, the authors of the concept based on the study of children’s perception developed cartoon animation method of classification of products by age categories.

In Roskomnadzor also noted that the document "orders belief system to protect children from the negative, that they face in the information space". "In particular, it is highlighted and explained in detail the requirements for developing secure information environment for children and adolescents, defined clear criteria for information having significant historical, artistic or other cultural value", - said the agency.

In developing the concept are used experiences of different countries in the field of information security of children, as well as analyzed the practice of Russian legislation and the structure of the information consumption of modern Russian children and adolescents.

After completion of public discussion it is planned that the document will be approved by the Federal Government of the Russian Federation.