Museums: Park of China to be created at the “Museum of the USSR”
A theme park of China, which will present the culture and identity of China both to domestic and foreign tourists, will be created in Ulyanovsk.
The Chinese delegation arrived in Ulyanovsk to learn about the project. According to experts, including foreign tourists, who interested in the new museum, and in addition “House of Ilyich” will contain 50 expositions, the first violin will play the travelers from China and Vietnam. Everything that is connected with the life and work of the “leader of the world revolution” is still sacred for them.
Among global socialist ideas that may be implemented in the near future, are the consolidation of the “Museum of the USSR” and Chinese tourist “Great Red route” starting in Ulyanovsk, the infrastructure preparation for the reception of Chinese tourists - the construction of hotels, Chinese restaurants and malls, the possible opening of direct flight “Beijing-Ulyanovsk”.
Among the participants were members of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, the Museum “Lenin Hills” and “Homeland of V. I. Lenin”, “Lenin memorial”.