Book publishing and book distribution: The V Inter Regional Book Fair Exhibition “World of books in the Penza land” dedicated to the 350th anniversary of Penza
From 20 to 24 November 2013 in the M. Y. Lermontov Penza Regional Library runs the V Interregional Book Fair “The world of books in the Penza land” dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the city of Penza.
The purpose and objectives of the exhibition-fair is to increase the prestige of books and reading in the region.
The exhibition features publications of famous Russian publishing houses. Among the exhibitors are booksellers and publishing organization. The publishing products at the fair are presented by the leading universities of Penza: the PSU, the Penza State Agricultural Academy, the Penza State Technological University, the Penza branch of the International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences.
The cultural program includes more than thirty various events.